There are basically three methods to prosperity in the world. The world’s method (the world has her system and method of making one prosper), the devil’s (the devil has his own system and method of empowering one to prosper) and God’s (the Almighty God also has his kingdom principles to prosperity).
Herein, I will like to major on God’s method of prosperity and with this I will like you to understand that there are five basic Prosperity Action Points (PAP) to know and take into consideration:
1. Acknowledgement: It’s the blessing of God that makes one rich, Proverbs 10:22
2. Sowing: The law of sowing and reaping,
you only reap what you sow, Gen 8:22
3. Holy Spirit: The leading of the Holy Spirit, Rom 8:14
4. The Word: Fellowshipping with the Word of God, Jos 1:8
5. Work: Involvement in the real work, job or business, Gen 26:12
These five Prosperity Action Point (PAP) MUST be observed to becoming rich or wealthy by God’s method. if you observed you will notice that Prayer is not mentioned, Prayer is not a Prosperity Action Point to prosperity but a medium and vehicle. Again you must understand that the law of sowing and reaping is the key and the pivot on which the other Prosperity Action Points hangs.
These means that without the laws of sowing and reaping all other PAP is passive. Now, the law of sowing and reaping starts with tithing and others forms of offerings follows. Paying your tithe (10% of your gross for salary earners and 10% for profits for business people) Is a very important action point that is mandatory for every child of God who intends to proper by God’s method.
Tithe is not a covenant related sowing but a PRINCIPLE RELATED SOWING, which was borrowed into the old testament driven by Moses. Our father of faith- Abraham gave tithe to Melchisedec long before the law of Moses was introduced. The law of Priesthood has been changed but tithing has not.
“And as I may so say, Levi also, who recieveth tithes, paid tithes in Abraham.”
For he was yet in the loins of his father, which Melchisedec met him. Hebrews 7:9-10
There are so many of us who are robbing or cheating God and end up destroying their financial future by paying their tithe regularly.
“Should people cheat God? Yet you have cheated me! “But you ask, ‘What do you mean? When did we ever cheat ‘“You have cheated me of the tithes and offerings due to me.” Malachi 3:8
There are four categories of tithe payers:
A. Those who are faithful payers: No matter what they pay their tithe regularly and faithfully
B. Those who don’t pay their tithe at all. We call them tithe eaters
C. Those who are unfaithful payers. We call them occasionally tithe payers. They only pay their tithes when it is convenient. Like not paying when they have more bills to pay.
D. Those who pay their tithes only when they are around in church or in town. We called them Available tithe payers. Whenever they travel or when not in church by month they wouldn’t pay their tithe.
Tithe should be paid regularly and faithfully no matter what.
Paying your children’s school fees should never stop you from paying your tithe.
Paying your house rent should never stop it also.
Sickness and paying hospital bills should never stop it.
Travelling out of town should never stop it.
There are no excuses to paying your tithe as of when due. It is Lord’s Tenth and Holy unto Him. The government deducts your tax no matter what. In fact, you need to understand that every child of God is a tithe payer, its either you are paying it unto God or the devil is taking it by stealing your monies through unnecessary bills and losing of investments.
God instructs you to: “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do, “says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of Heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it! Try it! Put me to the test!” Malachi 3:10
I encourage you to always pay your tithe and you don’t need to wait to come to church before paying your tithe. You can always transfer or pay your tithe to your ministry of worship.
There are basically three methods to prosperity in the world. The world’s method (the world has her system and method of making one prosper), the devil’s (the devil has his own system and method of empowering one to prosper) and God’s (the Almighty God also has his kingdom principles to prosperity).
Herein, I will like to major on God’s method of prosperity and with this I will like you to understand that there are five basic Prosperity Action Points (PAP) to know and take into consideration:
1. Acknowledgement: It’s the blessing of God that makes one rich, Proverbs 10:22
2. Sowing: The law of sowing and reaping,
you only reap what you sow, Gen 8:22
3. Holy Spirit: The leading of the Holy Spirit, Rom 8:14
4. The Word: Fellowshipping with the Word of God, Jos 1:8
5. Work: Involvement in the real work, job or business, Gen 26:12
These five Prosperity Action Point (PAP) MUST be observed to becoming rich or wealthy by God’s method. if you observed you will notice that Prayer is not mentioned, Prayer is not a Prosperity Action Point to prosperity but a medium and vehicle. Again you must understand that the law of sowing and reaping is the key and the pivot on which the other Prosperity Action Points hangs.
These means that without the laws of sowing and reaping all other PAP is passive. Now, the law of sowing and reaping starts with tithing and others forms of offerings follows. Paying your tithe (10% of your gross for salary earners and 10% for profits for business people) Is a very important action point that is mandatory for every child of God who intends to proper by God’s method.
Tithe is not a covenant related sowing but a PRINCIPLE RELATED SOWING, which was borrowed into the old testament driven by Moses. Our father of faith- Abraham gave tithe to Melchisedec long before the law of Moses was introduced. The law of Priesthood has been changed but tithing has not.
“And as I may so say, Levi also, who recieveth tithes, paid tithes in Abraham.”
For he was yet in the loins of his father, which Melchisedec met him. Hebrews 7:9-10
There are so many of us who are robbing or cheating God and end up destroying their financial future by paying their tithe regularly.
“Should people cheat God? Yet you have cheated me! “But you ask, ‘What do you mean? When did we ever cheat ‘“You have cheated me of the tithes and offerings due to me.” Malachi 3:8
There are four categories of tithe payers:
A. Those who are faithful payers: No matter what they pay their tithe regularly and faithfully
B. Those who don’t pay their tithe at all. We call them tithe eaters
C. Those who are unfaithful payers. We call them occasionally tithe payers. They only pay their tithes when it is convenient. Like not paying when they have more bills to pay.
D. Those who pay their tithes only when they are around in church or in town. We called them Available tithe payers. Whenever they travel or when not in church by month they wouldn’t pay their tithe.
Tithe should be paid regularly and faithfully no matter what.
Paying your children’s school fees should never stop you from paying your tithe.
Paying your house rent should never stop it also.
Sickness and paying hospital bills should never stop it.
Travelling out of town should never stop it.
There are no excuses to paying your tithe as of when due. It is Lord’s Tenth and Holy unto Him. The government deducts your tax no matter what. In fact, you need to understand that every child of God is a tithe payer, its either you are paying it unto God or the devil is taking it by stealing your monies through unnecessary bills and losing of investments.
God instructs you to: “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do, “says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of Heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it! Try it! Put me to the test!” Malachi 3:10
I encourage you to always pay your tithe and you don’t need to wait to come to church before paying your tithe. You can always transfer or pay your tithe to your ministry of worship.
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