Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead, said to Ahab, “As
the Lord the God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not
be dew nor rain these years, except at my word”. 1 Kings 17:1

Elijah brought the word of God to King Ahab. A time of drought
was coming. There was going to be food shortage, water was going to
become scarce and there would be suffering and death in the land. It was
not an easy word for Elijah to bring. What was God up to?
This prophetic word cut to the very heart of the nation’s
problems. Elijah was confronting the central issue of the day. King Ahab
had allowed false worship to enter Israel through his pagan wife
Jezebel. She introduced a form of ancient nature religion to Israel
which involved the worship of Baal and Asherah, the male and
female gods
of a pagan fertility cult. Elijah was challenging the false gods of
this evil system.
All recorded miracles of Elijah were designed to defeat the
demon gods operating in the land of Israel and to demonstrate that the
Lord was the true and living God of Israel. He controlled the climate of
the land and therefore its economic destiny belonged to him and not to
the false gods of Baal worship. There could be no lasting peace or
prosperity while this false religion was being embraced by the people.
Israel had to repent and acknowledge that the Lord is God.
In the same way today, God is challenging the futile things
in which the nations are putting their trust. He is shaking our modern
institutions showing us how frail and unstable they really are.
Everywhere politicians and economists are feeling the pinch as they
struggle with the problems of the world economy, national budget
deficits, international debt, monetary crises and failed economic
programmes. God is shaking the false idols of today. He is calling the
nations to forsake the worship of all false gods, and turn back to him.
People today are relentlessly pursuing wealth and happiness
within the context of a value system that excludes God. This pursuit
shows us the heart of the problem of our society and I believe it is the
result of a misplaced and idolatrous expression of the fundamental
needs of the human heart. We are all looking for security, protection
and provision. But we are looking for them in the wrong places. God
wants to tear down the false god of Mammon from the heart of every child
of his.
The Bible warns us against the love of the world. God knows
that we have physical and financial needs, but he wants us to get the
emphasis right. He wants us to reintroduce into our thinking and
understanding an unshakeable confidence that the Lord is God.
He is the giver of all good gifts and he is our provider.
This is a matter for the human heart because, even as Christians, we
struggle with economic and financial issues as we learn to depend on God
for our supply. We are often driven by anxious thoughts in these
troubled times, asking, “How are we going to survive?” Jesus speaks
directly into these worries when he says, Therefore do not worry,
saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we
For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your
heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the
kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be
added to you. (Matthew 6:31-33).
I am going to share with you some powerful principles of
God’s provision. In order to survive financial and economic uncertainty,
you need to know thoroughly and to be walking daily in the principles
of divine provision. There are no short cuts or slick answers but, as
you begin to apply these principles to your life and live by them, you
will be amazed at how miracle after miracle of divine provision will
come your way!
I have selected seven principles of divine provision from the
story of Elijah which show how the prophet moved in miraculous
provision, even in a time of extreme lack.
Principle One: God knows your every need, even before you tell him, and he promises to provide for your every need!
God knew all about the drought in Israel. He initiated it and
he knew that it would bring its own problems for the people of God. We
often pray, “Oh God, bring prosperity!” But God may want the financial
shaking to continue so that nations will fall on their knees and cry out
to him.
God knows your need – he knows about your bills. God knows
what you need even before you ask. He understands more than you can
possibly know. He knew Elijah’s need and was ready to make full
provision for it.
It is impossible for a loving father, who has the means, to
refrain from meeting the needs of his children. God has the means to
meet your every need. He is a loving Father and if he knows your need,
he is prepared to meet your need. Paul the apostle says to the
Philippians, “And my God shall supply all your need according to his
riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).
Principle Two: Blessing comes through obedience
Imagine what it was like for Elijah at this point. James says, “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours” (James 5:17).
This is true of all the great men and women of God in the
Bible. We can wonder what Elijah was feeling – the drought was on and a
time of extreme lack was upon the whole land. Obviously, Elijah was
looking to the Lord. But surely he would have gone through the same kind
of human emotions that we have to face today. We must be careful not to
rush ahead or to act hastily out of fear or anxiety. If we wait on the
Lord during times of pressure he will show us what to do next.
Finally the word came to Elijah: Get away from here and turn
eastward, and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan.
And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded
the ravens to feed you there. (1 Kings 17:3-4). Elijah obeys God
immediately. He goes where God sends him and does what God tells him to
do. Obedience to God is essential at all times – but in a time of lack
it can be a matter of survival! Elijah did not strive – he just waited
for God to speak and then acted on it. Hearing and obeying God are the
twin keys to success. To walk in blessing, you must walk in obedience.

Principle Three: Your faith will be tested
Being in the centre of God’s will does not mean a
trouble-free existence! God said to Elijah, “Go to the brook. I am going
to give you bread and meat in the morning and in the evening, and as
much as you want to drink all throughout the day!” This was all very
good until the brook dried up! I can imagine Elijah saying, “Lord, you
told me to come here. Am I in the right place? The brook has dried up!”
It can be confusing, but you have to trust the Lord even if it seems as
if he has led you up a cul-de-sac.
Don’t blame the devil for all your trials. Remember God is
allowing the tests to come in order to develop your faith. The devil
wants to destroy your faith, but God wants to strengthen it. There is
only one way to develop your faith and that’s to exercise it! You need
the resistance that comes from opposing circumstances in order to
develop your faith.
Principle Four: Financial provision is for God’s purposes and not for mere personal gain
This doesn’t mean God doesn’t want to bless you personally,
but the blessing is not there for your personal gain. God’s financial
provision is to enable you to fulfil the purpose of God for your life.
Elijah’s motive in seeking God for his provision was so that he could be
true to the call of God upon his life. That can sound like language
that is reserved for those in so-called ‘full time Christian service’.
But we are all in full time Christian service – whatever our
God has put you where you are to witness for him and
influence others around you for the kingdom of God. Dedicate your life
to Christian service wherever he calls you. God’s provision will flow
into your life, if you are serving his purposes. The provision of God
follows the purposes of God.
God could pour hundreds of thousands of pounds through your
account but you must establish this right from the start. God’s
prosperity is not for personal gain or for sheer indulgence but to serve
the purposes of God.
Principle Five: God’s provision does not come according to human reasoning
There is a supernatural element at work here. Provision does
not come in line with human reasoning. When you are controlled by human
thinking and worldly wisdom, you limit God and exclude him. God works
in strange and unexpected ways. It is exciting, even though it can be
extremely uncomfortable! Can you image what this meant to Elijah? God
said to him, “I am going to provide for you throughout this time of
drought. Go and prophesy, and the drought will come – but don’t worry, I
am going to take care of you”. God fulfilled his promise through ravens
and widows! The raven was an unclean bird to the Jew! And taking food
from a poor widow? I can imagine Elijah recoiled at the thought of
taking something from a woman who was worse off than himself. This is
human thinking. God had to teach Elijah not to reason according to his
natural understanding. God often uses extraordinary circumstances and
extraordinary people – most unusual sources and most unusual
Sometimes it takes a great deal of faith and a rejection of
normal human reasoning to grasp what God is doing. You can easily miss
the provision of God if you don’t take time to listen to his promptings
and discern the hand of God in your circumstances, no matter how bizarre
they appear to be.
Principle Six: Provision comes by putting God first
I know that some people are really struggling and giving
presents a very real dilemma for them. But God must come first in your
finances. There is no other way to flow in God’s provision. If you are
in debt, or if you have other financial difficulties to resolve, make
sure you honour God first with what you do have.
Begin with God. If you don’t, you’ll never have enough for
him when you come to the end of the list of other commitments. I’m not
going to say how this principle should be worked out in your present
circumstances, but it is a principle that you cannot afford to violate.
Our debt is first of all unto the Lord. We must minister to God, first
of all.
When asking the widow to give up what was to be the last
meal for herself and her son Elijah was not being selfish or greedy. He
was following God’s instructions to the letter. It looked like the sheer
manipulation and exploitation of a vulnerable person, but God was in
it. He provided for his servant and also saved the life of the widow
woman and her son.
There was a divine principle involved: God’s house first. If
you put God’s kingdom and his concerns first in your life, everything
else will fall into place.
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and
all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33) Get this
principle straight in your life and then you must come before the Lord
and seek his wisdom to work this out in your specific situation. There
is no easy or instant quick fix. These are principles that you have to
start to apply and it may take time, but it does work!
Principle Seven: Prosperity means having the ability to fulfil God’s destiny for your life and to bless others in God’s plan for them
That is what biblical prosperity is all about. In a sense
the widow provided for Elijah, but really it was Elijah who provided for
the widow! Biblical prosperity is having more than enough for your own
needs so that you can supply the needs of others. Malachi chapter 3
promises you abundant blessing when you are faithful in giving – both in
your tithes and your offerings.
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be
food in my house, and try me now in this,” says the LORD of hosts, “If I
will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such
blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it. Malachi 3:10
The plain fact about God’s provision is, the more you give, the more you
receive! I am not suggesting that you should give with the selfish
motive of gaining more yourself. But when you do give you receive back
more and this means that you have even more to give next time. This is
the principle of sowing and reaping.
What farmer sows seeds it is in order to reap a harvest! In 2
Corinthians, Paul writes that giving is like sowing, and when you sow
you should expect a harvest of righteousness. This is not just the
righteousness of doing the right thing, but it means taking care of the
needs of others and providing for God’s work.
Notice it is the sowing of your finances that brings you
both a financial harvest and the further harvest of righteousness that
comes from blessing others out of God’s abundant provision for you.
As you read these verses from 2 Corinthians, notice the words that I have underlined:
But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap
sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So
let each one give as he purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or of
necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all
grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all
things, may have an abundance for every good work. As it is written: “He
has dispersed abroad, He has given to the poor; His righteousness
endures forever.” Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread
for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the
fruits of your righteousness, while you are enriched in everything for
all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God. (2
Corinthians 9:6-11)
These seven principles will help you flow in God’s
provision. Follow them as a lifestyle, and God will release his
supernatural provision to you. You will never lack. The God of Elijah is
with you and he is faithful. He never fails!
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